Overall health


Do you want to have a successful and a happier life? If you think that success and happiness are beyond reach, you are wrong! Actually these can be achieved with minor lifestyle changes. One of these life changes is the habit of getting up early.

Researches indicate that students who get up early get higher exam results. Also employees feel more reproductive when they get up early. Furthermore, they enjoy their work much more.

A research conducted in Harvard University reveals that the individuals who get up early tend to find more creative solutions than those who don’t. Such individuals also tend to become less lazy and do not develop the habit of procrastination easily.

Performance of the individuals who get up early is higher due to several causes. First off, early risers have more time to perform their daily works. Furthermore, they work productively since they use a more quiet and uninterrupted time of the day.

Also a quiet morning may be the best time when you need to take a serious life decision.

Now, Let’s focus on tips that may turn you into an early riser.

1. Adapt gradually

Getting used to wake up early from the get-go may be difficult. If you can not avoid pushing the snooze button in the morning, that means your body needs some time to adapt. You may gain the habit of getting up early by setting the alarm one minute earlier every two days. At the end of a month, you will get used to wake up 15 minutes early and you will hardly notice how it happened.

2. Wake up at the same time every day

After you have completed the adaptation process, try to wake up at the same time every day. Your body will turn this into a habit and regulate your sleep accordingly. Sleep quality also increases when you begin waking up at the same time every day. Your body will adapt to your new schedule and begin to wake up before the alarm.

At later stages, you may even develop a habit of waking up without the need for an alarm clock.

3. Have enough sleep

Getting used to wake up early is not only a mental challenge. If you can’t get enough sleep, your body will resist heavily against waking up early.

Try to go to bed early every night. Moreover, be careful what you eat at dinner. A heavy dinner causes discomfort and prevents the transition to sleep and reduces the sleep quality.

Furthermore, a mild exercise or a short walk before bed time improves sleep quality.

4. Stay away from the snooze button

The snooze button of the alarm clock may seem so tempting in the morning when your body resists waking up. Avoid this button as much as possible. An additional 5 minutes is not a valuable time for sleep quality. It does not provide any rest and wastes your time.

Moreover, when you use the snooze button frequently, your mind will be programmed not to hear the alarm sound after some time.

5. Start the day with a motivation.

Our lives seem to spin around productivity among the things to do and exams to study. We seek to get better at anything that we do.

All this hassle can make us ill-pleased from time to time. So it would be beneficial to find a morning routine to overcome this unpleasant feeling. This may include walking in a park, having a phone call with someone beloved or drinking coffee in a nice café.

These activities will cheer you up and make your day productive.

6. Plan your weekends.

We tend to stick to our schedule of waking up early with a great desire within the week. However, things may become difficult at the weekends. Although many people have a schedule for things to do in the week days, we may not have anything planned for the weekends.

You don’t need to quit waking up early. You can make your life more productive by also planning your spare time. Excellent activities that you can do in the morning include a morning walk, reading a book and having a new hobby.

Although waking up early may be difficult for several weeks, your body and mind will adopt to this new schedule. You can have a healthier and more productive life with this new gained, life changing habit.


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