Health benefits and hazards

8 Foods to Avoid When You Have DIABETES

Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are diseases that make the body weak and disrupt life quality. Too much glucose in the blood leads to diabetes. Our pancreas makes the hormone insulin whose job is to control blood glucose levels. Diabetes occurs when this organ fails to function properly or the cells fail to use the insulin effectively.
People with diabetes can keep their blood sugar in reasonable levels by doing exercises and choosing the right foods. There are some foods that need to be avoided in particular for the diabetics to maintain an healthy life.

Now, let’s look at these foods.

1. Fruit Juices

Unsweetened fruit juice can be considered as an healthy choice when you are thirsty. However it is packed with large quantities of sugar which can elevate your blood sugar in an instant.

Fruit juices sold in the markets also contain lots of sugar and then some. These juices have high fructose content that can worsen insulin resistance, promote weight gain and increase the risk of heart disease.

2. Sugary and Fizzy Drinks

Sugary and fizzy drinks are the worst possible choice for a thirsty person with diabetes. With their high sugar and calorie content they can easily make an healthy person diabetic. Also, the high fructose levels in these drinks may promote belly fat, harmful cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

3. White Bread

Regardless of being a diabetic or not, white bread increases blood sugar and disrupts body chemistry for everyone.Refined carbohydrates such as white bread, white pasta and anything made with white flour will behave like sugar once ingested.

Refined carbohydrates also contain little fiber which slows down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. So diabetics should stay away from these foods and choose whole grain and oat products instead.

4. White Rice
Once eaten, white rice is digested easily which causes a sudden increase in glucose levels. Asian diet which relies heavily on rice can pose a problem in regards to diabetes. According to a study, each additional daily serving of white rice may increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 10%. White Rice has a high glicemic index and also lacks nutrients like fiber and magnesium. Brown rice is a much healthier alternative.

5. Potatoes

Although packed with nutrients, the delicious potato is another food to keep away for diabetics. The starch in potatoes is digested rapidly and cause a sugar spike in the body.

French fries and potato crisps pose a much worse threat. Once fried in vegetable oil, potatoes do more than increasing your blood sugar. Researches show that frequently consuming french fries and other fried foods may cause heart disease and even cancer.

6. Artifial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are simply synthetic chemicals that stimulate the sweet taste receptors on your tongue.

Cunning marketing narratives are used to sell artificial sweeteners to diabetics claiming that these products can safely be used instead of sugar. Recent researches tell otherwise. These products disrupt insulin resistance heavily. They also cause metabolic syndrome which is known to increase the risk of diabetes by three to five times.

It is much more healthier for diabetics to eat small amounts of sugar than to rely on these products.

7. Raisins

Raisins are wonderful snacks rich with vitamin B, magnesium, iron and potassium. When grapes are dehydrated, they become raisins. Unfortunately, during this process, their sugar content becomes more concentrated. Raisins contain three times more carbs than grapes.

Snacking on raisins is still a better option than eating chocolate chip cookies. How ever it is wise to eat them in small quantities at a time. As a rule of thumb, all kinds of dried fruit contain more sugar than the fresh ones. This doesn’t mean you have to give up fruit altogether. Fresh and low sugar fruits can still be enjoyed by diabetics.

8. Too Much Meat

Studies indicate that people consuming more meat have a higher risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Researchers believe the sodium and nitrites in meat increase insulin resistance while the heme iron in meat causes cell damage and chronic inflammation.

So, if you think you have a high risk for getting diabetes or already have it, you can try to limit your meat consumption. Introducing more vegetables and fruit to a diet relying heavily on meat is a better dietary choice for diabetics.


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